Capiworld manufactures ECO-AEROGELS products in Vietnam with the goal of being a pioneer in aerogel innovations. With the mission of “Chartered Aerogels Premier for Innovation World”, the products are made through an eco-friendly process that utilizes natural and recycled raw materials without toxic chemicals or solvents.

Nearly all manufacturing waste is recycled back into the production process under Capiworld's Zero Waste Programme, minimizing waste generation. The recyclability of ECO-AEROGELS helps reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal.

ECO-AEROGELS have properties like ultra-light weight (over 95% air by volume), minimum thickness of 3mm, recyclability and reusability that make them competitive for insulation applications.

ECO-AEROGELS provide high-performance insulation for buildings and transportation, helping to lower energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The flame resistance and low thermal conductivity contributes to safety and aesthetics.

ECO-AEROGELS demonstrate high mechanical properties and flexibility without degradation under mechanical and environmental stresses.

Toxicity tests have not found any hazards when using or handling ECO-AEROGELS products. They are non-toxic, non-allergenic and non-irritating.

The eco-friendly production process conserves resources, reduces pollution and saves energy while ensuring customer safety.


• Insulation - ECO-AEROGELS made from recycled materials like silica, cellulose and plastic can be used as highly effective thermal and acoustic insulation. It has higher insulation performance compared to traditional materials like fibreglass and foam. It can be used as insulation in buildings, pipes, vehicles, apparel and footwear.

• Insulation for aircraft - ECO-AEROGELS are used as lightweight thermal and acoustic insulators for aircraft structures and systems to reduce heat transfer, lower temperature differences and noise levels, improving passenger comfort and aircraft efficiency. ECO-AEROGELS serve as effective fire barriers in aircraft wiring, components and structures to withstand high temperatures while maintaining integrity.

• Thermal protectors - ECO-AEROGELS provide effective thermal insulation for pipes carrying high temperature fluids in industrial and commercial heating systems to reduce heat losses and improve efficiency. ECO-AEROGELS blankets insulate boilers, ovens and furnaces to minimize heat losses through walls and doors, enhancing system efficiency. ECO-AEROGELS also protect workers from contacting hot surfaces of heaters, boilers and industrial ovens due to their high temperature resistance and low thermal conductivity.

• Paints and coatings - Coatings containing ECO-AEROGELS particles can offer improved efficiency by reflecting infrared radiation, absorbing UV rays and being self-cleaning. They have applications in construction, transportation and outdoor equipment.

• Oil and chemical spill absorption - ECO-AEROGELS synthesized from recycled waste like cellulose and agricultural residues can efficiently absorb oil spills and chemical contaminants from soil and water. It has a high absorption capacity.

• Filtration - The nano-scale pores of ECO-AEROGELS allow them to be used as effective filters for liquids, gases and particles. They can be used as filters in applications like water purification and air filtration.

• Catalyst supports - ECO-AEROGELS particles derived from recycled polymers can act as supports for industrial catalysts used in chemical processes due to their high surface area and porosity.

• Electrical components - ECO-AEROGELS made from recycled sources like carbon fibers exhibit electrical conductivity and can be used in electronics like capacitors, batteries and sensors.

• Cosmetics and personal care - ECO-AEROGELS synthesized from recycled waste are used as active ingredients in skin care products due to their oil-absorbing, moisture-regulating and anti-caking properties.

• Biomedical uses - ECO-AEROGELS derived from recycled biosources have potential uses as scaffold materials for tissue engineering and as drug delivery agents due to their biocompatibility, porosity and surface area.